Welcome to our Community
The AGGS Online Community is an engagement platform which enables current and former students, parents, teachers, friends and supporters of AGGS to connect with one another, and keep up to date with current school news, news of alumni, ex staff and friends of the school, post and share photos.
We will be continually adding to and extending the site and we invite you to register as a member of our community.
AGGS Foundation
The Foundation is also focused on helping current and future students through scholarships and so raising funds through donations and bequests will be an important part of our work. If you would like to discuss ways in which you can donate to the Foundation and help worthy students reach their potential then please contact our Chair, Heather Ash for a confidential chat.
AGGS Old Girl's Association
The Old Girls' Association was established in 1910 when new Headmistress, Blanche Butler called together a group of Old Girls to form an Old Girls Association, by 1913 it had a membership of 150.
The Old Girls' Association today has a quietly active membership and hosts an annual afternoon tea and dinner for members and friends to connect.
The Association also supports the school by providing scholarships to current students at Founding Day and at our annual Senior Prizegiving. The Foundation supports the Old Girls' Association with their events and fundraising activities. All funds raised by the Old Girls' Association are used to provide scholarships to our students.
Our school has an extensive collection of archives - including historical documents, photographs, magazines and uniform items. We are always grateful to receive further items from alumni or members of the public to add to our collection.
View Our ARchives
We are always delighted to receive donations, which can be used in so many different ways to add to our students' academic and extra-curricular opportunities.
We are very grateful to the families and alumni who support the school as business partners, sponsors and donors who pay or subsidise fees for a family in need, donate to an important project or just offer a helping hand.
If you are interested in finding out more about how you can assist the school please contact the Foundation Chair, Heather Ash: